Best Hospital in Ghatkopar, Mumbai | Zynova Shalby Hospital

Appointment- 022-68900000/ Homecare Services-8591401286/ Emergency- 18002665544
OPD Schedule

Critical Care - Best Hospital in Ghatkopar, Mumbai | Zynova Shalby Hospital

Critical Care Unit

We at Zynova Shalby Hospital provide best in class critical care to our Patients which is delivered round the clock by our well experienced team of doctors, nurses and paramedical staff. The total bed strength of our ICU is 15 beds and specialized in Intensive care and Surgical Specialty. Our department is well equipped with the state-of-the-art infrastructure, advanced technologies and high- end monitoring devices that are required for the critical care,

We maintain high standards of infection control measures and have a team of highly specialized critical care experts to ensure the quality of care given to patient. Our department is supported with well-equipped round the clock Laboratory and diagnostic services like bedside portable USG and X-Ray for better patient care.

We maintain high standards of infection control measures and have a team of highly specialized critical care experts to ensure the quality of care given to patient. Our department is supported with well-equipped round the clock Laboratory and diagnostic services like bedside portable USG and X-Ray for better patient care.

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Dr Noaman Shirolkar
Critical care unit

24x7 Emergency Services

Open round the clock for conve-nience, quick and easy access

State-of-the-art Diagnostics

Cost-efficient, comprehensive and clinical laboratory services

World-class expertise

Qualified and certified physicians for quality medical care


022-68900000 / 18002665544